Jeg satt og kikka litt på ting på pcén min. Og fant noen gamle dikt jeg har skrevet. Skriver ellers aldri. Men har noen dikt jeg skreiv flere år siden. Så tenkte jeg kunne dele dem her. Også må dere veldig gjerne si deres helt ærlige mening :D
Og jeg vet det.. Jeg er ingen dikter :P hehe Hvis det i det hele tatt kan kaldes dikt :S
Tre dikt jeg skreiv i 2005:
Don´t wanna live.
Don´t wanna die.
What can I do,
I can´t make up my mind.
Just wanna Cry..!
Everythings wrong,
I keep messing things up.
Why am I like this.
Please make it STOP
In my head I think of you.
In my heart I love you.
In my room I sit all day,
Hope you´ll love me back one day..!
To som er skrevet i 2008:
What to do,
whitout you.
Live or Lie
Confused and Cry
Your on my mind,
messing me up.
My head wants you back,
but my heart stopped.
I am so confused.
Was it real or just a dream.
Love hurts,
and gives you pain.
Mess you up,
and makes you
Fire skrevet i 2009:
nr 1.
So a like
So different
Inside – Outside
Silent game
Strong at will
So creative
So closed in
But still
Where is that special little thing?
nr 2.
I felt I wasen´t good enough
I felt I wasen´t strong enough
I felt I was too young
To be the right one
I felt the two of us could fall in love
I felt the two of us could live as one
I felt the magic come
But suddenly it all was gone
I felt the two of us should live apart
I felt the two of us should make a start
I feel the world is waiting for us
To make us both strong and tough
nr 3.
You and me
We are like each other
But so different inside
We are made for each other
But with totally different attitude
We are both so young
But with different plans
We are both independent
But still we need more time
We need to evolve
And get more experience
We don´t have to rush
And settle all down
We have to make experiences
Cause the world is huge
We have to get out there
Cause time is still young
If we are lucky
We will meet someone
And settle it down
We may meet each other
Cause time made us strong
nr 4.
Love break
I need some time to figure myself out
I need some time to figure my strength out
I need some time to clear out my view
To find out if I really do
Love you
Jeg aner ingen ting om og skrive.. Alt er tatt på gefülen :P hehe
Skjønner ikke åssen jeg har fått det ned på papir.. Og ja.. noen av de er bedre end andre.. xD men tenkte jeg bare kunne poste alle her :P
Har du skrivd dikt når du har vært trist? Eller gjør du noe annet??